Joint hypermobility is when people have a larger than normal mobility in their joints and can get into positions the average person cannot. Sometimes this is referred to as being “double-jointed”.
Joint hypermobility can occur in varying degrees. It can be generalized from genetics, or along with other disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Lupus. There are criteria to diagnose generalized hypermobility that is not associated with other disorders. People with hypermobility are more likely to have joint pain. They can also be at risk of subluxations or dislocations depending on the variability.
How does it impact pain and injury?
Since your joints have more motion than the average, it is common to have joint pain after activities that involve repetitive movements that stress your end range of motion. You will want to make sure you are working on both joint stability and strength. This will help make up for the lack of it due to the high amount of mobility.
How Should You Exercise with Hypermobility?
Being hypermobile should not stop you from exercising. Once you learn what will work best for your body, you will be able to do the sports and workouts you want to. It is important to have awareness of where your body is in space. This will allow for awareness to work within normal ranges when you are playing sports or working out. It is important to perform stability exercises, to make up for the lack of it from the joint. Once you learn to work within your range of motion and have built strength and stability around the joint, you will be able to do the sports and activities you love.
You will want to work with a physical therapist to manage pain and learn how to manage your hypermobility to give you the freedom to do the activities you love. Check out my physical therapy and strength training services if you are interested. Don’t want to commit to sessions? Schedule a one time virtual assessment here, or just follow along for my free content on Instagram and Youtube.